Simple HTTP/HTTPS requests, with some JSON as a bonus.

mkxp-z includes minimal support for communicating with HTTP servers. Support for unencrypted HTTP is always present; HTTPS requires building with the use_https=true option, and OpenSSL installed onto the system.

JSON and HTTP support are built on top of json5pp and cpp-httplib respectively. All functions can raise MKXPErrorif something goes wrong.


  • HTTPLite::JSON.stringify(obj) takes one object as an argument, transforming it into a JSON string. Accepts Nil, Float, Integer, String, Array, and Hash.

  • HTTPLite::JSON.parse(str) takes one JSON string as an argument, transforming it back into its Ruby equivalent.


The HTTP methods all return a hash as a response. This hash contains 3 members (at the moment):

  • :status (Int) contains the response status (e.g. 200, 404)

  • :body (String) contains the body portion of the server's response.

  • :headers (String => String) contains a hash with all the headers contained in the server's response.

The HTTPLite module contains three functions. All return a hash formed in the way described above. They can all be optionally passed headers, as a hash with String values and String keys.

By default, these functions will attempt to follow redirect responses. This can be disabled by passing false to follow_redirects.

  • HTTPLite.get(url[, headers[, follow_redirects]]) takes a url as a string, performing a GET request.

  •, stringhash[, headers[, follow_redirects]]) takes a url as a string, and post data contained as a hash of string keys and string values, performing a POST request.

  • HTTPLite.post_body(url, bodycontent, contenttype[, headers[, follow_redirects]]) takes a url as a string, the request's body as a string, and the body's MIME-type as a string, performing a POST request.

# Perform a GET request on any URL
response = HTTPLite.get("https://some.url")
if response[:status] == 200
    p response[:body]

# Perform a POST request on any URL
postdata = {
    "key1" => "value1",
    "key2" => "value2"
response ="https://some.url", postdata)

# Perform a POST request on any URL (using a body as data)
postdata = HTTPLite::JSON.stringify(postdata)
response = HTTPLite.post_body("https://some.url", postdata, "application/json")

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